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Links About Creativity

Links Last Checked/Updated 12/15/14

http://artpad.art.com Interactive Digital Art Canvas You Can Paint On
http://practicallycreative.net Practically Creative Quarterly
http://trackingwonder.com/ Tracking Wonder; The Art & Science of Captivating Creativity
www.cre8ng.com Articles and Exercises to Boost Creativity
www.creativespiral.net Co-creating With the Soul
www.creativesuccess.com Creativity Coaching, Articles, Resources
www.creativity-portal.com Articles and Resources on Creativity
www.creativityatwork.com Creativity and Business Strategies
www.creativityforlife.com Great Information and Resources on Creativity
www.creativityworkshop.com Workshops Offered for Creative Writing
www.enchantedmind.com Articles, Puzzles, Info on Creativity
www.jpb.com Tips for Boosting Creativity
www.themuseisin.com Creativity Coaching, Resources
www.thetoymaker.com Folding Paper Toys You Can Make Yourself
www.touchdrawing.com Resources for Creative Awakening
www.womenfolk.com/creativity/ Unexpected Ways to Develop Your Creative Self

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